FLEX 공유/FLEX 일본 - 테스트용 플렉스 샘플 by 반화넬 2007. 6. 1. 반응형 Flex 2.0 Samples -- last update 2006/08/07 You can see those flex2 samples via clicking right mouse button and clicking "view source". If you have questions, use "Contact" form and post questions. Accordion Accordion01 Accordion02 Accordion03 Alert AlertButtons AlertIcon AlertShow AlertSound Application ApplicationMargin ApplicationNoPreloader ApplicationControlBar ApplicationControlBarExample01 ApplicationDomain FlashMashup01 FlashMashup02 getDefinitionDump Button ButtonExample ButtonIcon ButtonIconVar Buttons ButtonToggleExample ButtonBar ButtonBarExample ButtonBarIcon ButtonBarStyle CheckBox CheckBoxExample CheckBoxExample2 ColorPicker ColorPickerDataProvider ColorPickerExample ColorPickerProgram ComboBox ComboBox01 ComboBox02 ComboBoxAS ComboBoxCustomCell ComboBoxDataObjects ComboBoxEdit ComboBoxMXML ControlBar ControlBarExample DataGrid DataGrid01 DataGrid02 DataGrid03 DataGrid04 DataGridColumns DataGridExample DataGridFiltering01 DataGridFilteringSample DateChooser DateChooserExample DateFormatter DateTimeTest DividedBox DividedBoxCombo HDividedBoxExample VDividedBoxExample Effect EffectListen ExternalInterface ExternalInterfaceASJS ExternalInterfaceASJSReturn ExternalInterfaceJSAS FileReference FileUploadExample FileUploadExample2 Font FlexFonts FontsEmbed01 FontsEmbed02 FontsLoader01 Form FormModel FormSimple GarbageCollector GC_Test Grid GridColSpan GridExample GridRowSpan HBox HBoxExample HistoryManagement HistoryManagement01 HorizontalList HorizontalList01 HorizontalList02 HorizontalListExample HRule HRuleExample HSlider HSliderExample HSliderExample2 HTTPService HTTPService01 HTTPService02 HttpServiceBasic Image ImageBlurEffect ImageEmbed ImageEmbedAS Label LabelExample LabelHTML LabelStyle LabelTextFormat Link LinkExample LinkStyle LinkBar LinkBarExample LinkBarViewStack List List01 List02 ListCustomCell ListExample ListMultiple ListBase ListBase01 LocalConnection Using_Flash8_SWF_in_Flex2 Menu Menu01 Menu02 MenuCheck MenuExample MenuBar MenuBar01 MenuBar02 NumericStepper NumericStepperChange NumericStepperExample PopupMenuButton PopupMenuButton01 PopupMenuButton02 RadioButton RadioButtonExample RadioButtonGroupChange RemoteObject RemoteObject01 RemoteObject02 RemoteObject03 RemoteObject04 RemoteObject05 RemoteObject06 RemoteObject07 State StateExample StateTransition Style DynamicBackgroundImage FillColor StaticBackgroundImage SWFLoader LoaderAlign LoaderConstrain LoaderExample LoaderPreloader TabNavigator TabNavigator01 TabNavigator02 TabNavigator03 TextArea TextAreaSample01 TextAreaScroll Theme CustomTheme01 FlexSkins Theme01 Theme02 Theme03 Themes TileList TileList01 TileList02 Tree Tree01 Tree02 VBox VBoxExample VRule VRuleExample 출처 : Tong - BlueSky_07님의 Flex/Flash/Apollo/As통 반응형 공유하기 게시글 관리 기쁨3배 & 행복3배 = DATABASE & MYSQL & MARIADB 관련글 외부에서 이미지파일 받아 이미지 마우스 효과 및 링크 걸기 게이지 참고 자료(중요도 높음) Flex Framework:FABridge Flex 2.0에서 JSON 활용하기